Printable 3D Solar System for Kids
Build our Solar System! These printable are a great way to teach your child or your class about our planet and the surrounding universe while making a cool craft that you can display all year long!
Lets get crafting:
1. What you will need: Scissors, Glue, Pointy Object, Thin wire or thread, Tape, Thick Crafting Paper, and our Printable.
2. Cut out all Printable.
3. Cut your wire or thread into different length.
4. To make the 3D Planets, fold each one in half.
5. Then glue all four parts together.
6. At the last part, add the wire/thread.
7. Take the base of the solar system and trace it onto heavy crafting paper. Cut it out.
8. Then use the pointy object to make small holes onto the paper base.
9. Now push the wire (that have the planets attached) through those holes. Secure with tape.
10. Add glue onto back of the paper base
11. Then add the heavy crafting paper.
Finish is your 3D Solar System.
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