Simple Foam Tree Craft

We enjoy decorating our tree so we created this simple foam tree that your kids can have all the fun with paint, sequins, beads, gems, glitter glue and ribbon. It stands up so it will make the perfect table decoration. We love to see how you made yours with #funhousetoyscraft on Instagram!
Lets get crafting
1. Print our template onto white paper then cut it out.
2. Trace it onto Foam
3. Then cut it out again.
4. Decorate it with paint, sequins, beads, gems, glitter glue and ribbon.
5. Finish is your Foam Tree.
Get the printable in our members area as well as many more amazing printable. With new ones added on a weekly basis you will never run out of fun things to do with your kids.
#foamtree #treecraft #craftactivity #craftsforkids #craft #FunHouseToys #wintercraft #craftforpreschool